Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Rajiv Gandhi: His Vision of India of The 21St Century Science, Technology And National Development

  • Encyclopaedia of Terrorism In The World, Vol. 4
  • About The Author:- Dr. Pawan Sikka is a Solid State physicist with Ph.D. and D. Sc. Degrees in Physics. As a British scholar, he was Visiting Fellow to the University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K. in 1984-85. He has held senior positions as a science administrator for the past three decades with the Ministry/Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, New Delhi. As a Principal Scientific Officer DST, during 1985-89, he was associated with the then Science Advisory Council to the Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, set up as an apesx body to render him advice on the health of science in India, and to prepare a perspective plan for 2001 AD for the country. Later, he was Director, International Relations for science and technology. He was leader of the Indian delegation on science and technology for the SAARC meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He was also a member of the Indian delegations to Seweden and Germany for developing the bilateral programmes of cooperation in science and technology. Besides, he was the founder programme coordinator, for the Center for Science and technology for Nonaligned and other Developing Countries, New Delhi. As a recipient of the UNESCO Study Fellowship, he visited Turkey, besides visiting It, Switzerland and USA, in pursuit of knowledge, in the new and emerging fields of Scence and Technology. He was Advisor/Scientist-G (Technology Development and Commercializatoin), with the then newly set up Technology Development Board, DST, Government of India, New Delhi, (1996-2004). Dr. Pawan Sikka is a life member of the Association of British Scholars; Oxford and Cambridge Society of India; Materials Research Society of India etc. He has presented technical papers in conferences and contributed extensively on science policy related issues concerning India in journals of national and international repute.
Pawan Sikka
Kalpaz Publications
Publishing Year

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