Tuesday 4 April 2017

Kidobotikz Foundation Level Kit

·  "Kickstart your child's robotic learning with basic electronics – the base of all robots.
·  We don't believe in giving a big kit to you and just letting your child assemble it – and exclaim !! Wow – your child has done a robot !!
·  We, rather, start with the basics and make sure your child's first step is so firm on the grounds of the technical world !"


  • The Foundation kit comprises of various electronic component which offers a “from-the-scratch” introduction to the user in the field of electronics Electronics and various electronic modules- such InfraRed Modules, . With no prerequisites for its perusal, the kit can be used without any need for external reference. The online platform consists of videos which can take a user through individual concept and cement their understanding in this field before moving on to the next level. This level is the starting step in learning how to configure sensors that can be used in an IoT setup

·  Prerequisite : You just require a good computer with webcam (for any video support – when required only) and Internet Connectivity. Preferably headphones to hear the voice from the video, or a quite place – either one will be good !

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